
Planificare scoala altfel 2018
Planificare scoala altfel 2018

Support should be consistent with the multiannual national strategic plans for aquaculture developed on the basis of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013. Complex administrative procedures in some Member States remain in place, such as difficult access to space and burdensome licensing procedures, which make it difficult for the sector to improve the image and competitiveness of farmed products. (32) It should be possible for the EMFF to support the promotion and the sustainable development of aquaculture, including freshwater aquaculture, for the farming of aquatic animals and plants for the production of food and other raw material. Specific amounts should be reserved for the outermost regions, control and enforcement and collection and processing of data for fisheries management and scientific purposes, while amounts for permanent cessation and extraordinary cessation of fishing activities should be capped. In order to ensure stability in particular with regard to the achievement of the objectives of the CFP, the definition of national allocations under shared management for the 2021- 2027 programming period should be based on the EMFF 2014-2020 shares. EUR 5 311 760 000 000 should be allocated to support under shared management and EUR 829 640 000 000 to support under direct and indirect management. EMFF resources should be split between shared, direct and indirect management. It should amount, in current prices, to EUR 6 1 4 0 0 000 000. The EMFF budget should be maintained at the same levels as for the period 2014-2020. (8) The multiannual financial framework set out in Regulation (EU) xx/x圆 provides that the Union budget must continue to support fisheries and maritime policies.

Planificare scoala altfel 2018